Jet black (2024)

Photographs of a Black Rhino wrapper taken a month apart

Cactus glasses (reflection) (2024)

Epic stufffed crust/Is your brain ok? (2023)

Collage on paper

Snapshot keypoints (2023)

Selections from a series of photographs made by isolating ORB keypoints from personal snapshots. These image are a peek into what computer vision systems are "looking at" when applied to our daily lives.

Ingredients (2021)

Images of ingredients from highly processed food I've eaten recently.

After the drought (2019)

Photos taken in Los Angeles, CA shortly after the 2011-2019 drought

Person prepares an artisinal bagel with cucmbers Pool pump surrounded by lush greenery Private property sign Four rental scooter in a line House being built on a hill Dumpster with graffiti Green and pink plants Flowers behind chain link fence at night Yellow and purple flowers in a field Green field by freeway Tree with pink flowers Person looking at phone blocking the sun Windy road with palm trees Plants growing onto the sidewalk For sale sign in garden infront of house Two neighborhood council candidate signs Field with flowers Rock sourrounded by greenery Landscaping with berries and flowers Hill side with flowers and grass

You have just won a giftcard to the store of your choice (2017)

Smoke coming from between two buildings American flag behind fence with barbed wire Broken ticket machine at a parking structure Bottle of Coca Cola inside of a car 4 cermaic pots on a wall, two are painted Two people holding hands and walking in front of a bar with a large construction site on a hill above Mixture of mud a debris on the side of the road Ad from magazine, cheetos bag and bits of plastic Lotto ad in front of a liquor store Person walking into the corner store Dust from construction Kid and mom walking under a tree with pink flowers Big Gulp at the reservoir near a construction site Construction at the reservoir Person loading groceries into car at Costco Two ponies hooked up to a carriage at Griffith Park Big gulp on a lawn next to a tree Three trees in a row Blue gatorade that appears to be glowing Two poles with a metal X connecting them Person walking inside of a car dealership taken through the front window T.V. at laundromat with glare from the overhead lights Person putting gas in their car Flowers through chain link fence

I can show you the world (2015)

Dumpster zones (2015)

Dumpster zones is an ongoing series of photos depcting demarcations and structures designed to contain dumpsters.

Dumpster with a painted outline Dumpster hidden behind a fence Dumpster inside a designated area marked by 3 fences Dumpster inside a designated area marked by a custom architectural element Dumpster with flowers Two dumpsters behind a fence

Hancock Park (2014)

Hancock Park (2014-2016) is a series of photos taken in and around Hancock Park.

Camera person sets up a large news camera on a tree-lined street Bent metal trashcan Car with all doors and trunk open, one man stands next to the car on his phone while another seems to be unloading the car Porsche accross the street from Undefeated, a shoe store The legs of a person standing by the edge of a deep hole at a construction site Yard with two chairs and several lawn ornaments Tesla in the foreground and a person walking dogs in the background Person with a smock waiting by the curb, covering their mouth with their hands

Users in meatspace (2014)

Users in meatspace (2014-) is an ongoing series of photos of people using their devices in public.

Two people looking at a phone in front of a cafe Two people facing away from eachother taking photos at an overlook Man on his phone while using his laptop sharing a bench with a woman at an outdoor mall Person using their phone while attending a cart at the mall with no customers Man looking at a tablet Woman crossing the street while typing on her phone Buisinessman walking away from the camera with one hand on his hip, holding his phone up to his ear with the other hand Woman with a stroller looking at her phone as she waits

iPhone pics 2013/early 2014 (2014)

Nothing (2014)

A photo from Google Street View, taken near my house at the time. Blurred out trashcan from Google street view

Silicon Valley (2013)

Silicon valley is a series of photos taken while living in Sunnyvale, CA during the summer of 2013.

Two trees at the entrance to a parking garage People looking at a car will be given away at the mall Ducks in front of a fountain with green water at the park Big water pipe surrounded by hedges Lumpy bush in front of a house Plastic curve splitting a section of lawn from a section with rocks View of a house with three satelitte dishes from a neighboring yard Grass and two hedges creating a green corner A woman waiting in a parking structure with a new Mac computer Large tower with cables behind a suburban home

GoPro (2012)

Some photos taken on a GoPro in 2012

Person carrying two bags of groceries down an alley Construction in front of Ross Construction site Another construction site Garbage truck New oven next to porta potty Light shining on floor at grocery store Narrow, carpeted stairway Building with a sign that says 'Illusions' A photo of someone's neck on the side of a building Messy toy aisle Two people using Chase ATM